To Stay Or Go?

 Here's my question back: How do you feel? And an even better question: Why do you feel as you do?  See, the worst feeling a person can have when a marriage ends is like you’re a failure. That's an awful thing to carry around for the rest of your life. So, if you're...

Why We Can’t Be Objective

 "Wait a minute, DrDeb. I object to that title! I AM an objective person! I'm very rational, logical, analytical. Of course I'm objective!" Um…. I appreciate that, but our brains aren't built that way, my friend.  Here's a little lesson in neurobiology: The neocortex...

I Married The Wrong Person!

"DrDeb," Kenny was complaining, "it's only my wife that triggers me! I have lots of relationships - from work to my religious community to my kids' schools where I'm very active - and I get along well with everyone else…. ….so it must be that I married the wrong...


 Gaslighting was actually the title of a movie from 1944. In it, the protagonist wants his wife to think she's going crazy, so he moves the furniture around just enough for the room to feel wrong but not enough for her to consciously notice what happened. The term is...

Are You A Pain Sponge?

 This woman was talking to me about her daughter's atrocious acting-out behavior. "True," she said, "my husband was verbally abusive to her. But it didn't happen every day. She should move on!" I was in shock for a moment.  Then I came to myself, and asked her...

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