What Self Leadership Is

 Think of all the bosses you've had.  What made a good one good?  Did they humiliate those under them?  Were they hard drivers?  Did they ignore good ideas?  How did they handle bad ideas?  Well you are the leader of your internal system of parts. You know those...

Is Forgiveness Possible?

 One woman memorably said - as I reassured her that my program could bring out in her husband the kind, sensitive, and empathetic man he really was underneath all the hostility and abuse he'd shown for 20 years - "I don't care if he turns into Mother Theresa. I don't...

Can Kindness Be Co-dependency

 This was one of the most thoughtful people I've known. I mean, here I was, the therapist, and whenever she sent me an email, Mary would ask how I was doing. Talk about the opposite of narcissistic. She always wanted the best for everyone.  Mary was the type of person...

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