But Will It Work For Me?

I posted a question on Tuesday, What's Your Obstacle For Not Taking The Coaching Course? And someone gave what I think is a great answer - How do I know it will work for me? Now to answer that correctly, we need to start with the problem, right? Not all marriage...

To Stay Or Go?

 Here's my question back: How do you feel? And an even better question: Why do you feel as you do?  See, the worst feeling a person can have when a marriage ends is like you’re a failure. That's an awful thing to carry around for the rest of your life. So, if you're...

Why We Can’t Be Objective

 "Wait a minute, DrDeb. I object to that title! I AM an objective person! I'm very rational, logical, analytical. Of course I'm objective!" Um…. I appreciate that, but our brains aren't built that way, my friend.  Here's a little lesson in neurobiology: The neocortex...

I Married The Wrong Person!

"DrDeb," Kenny was complaining, "it's only my wife that triggers me! I have lots of relationships - from work to my religious community to my kids' schools where I'm very active - and I get along well with everyone else…. ….so it must be that I married the wrong...

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