Are You A Pain Sponge?

 This woman was talking to me about her daughter's atrocious acting-out behavior. "True," she said, "my husband was verbally abusive to her. But it didn't happen every day. She should move on!" I was in shock for a moment.  Then I came to myself, and asked her...

Why Communication Breaks Down

It's not you. Really. And it's not them, either, actually. I mean it. So whose fault is it? It's not a fault. It just is. Communication breaks down because two people who have already suffered some hurt in their lives find each other, fall in love, and then…. ….then...


 The first time I heard about this crazy method of changing our moods, almost automatically, I had flown across the ocean to see one son, his wife and his children - my grandchildren. I hadn't seen them in two years, shame on me, and I couldn't wait. But COVID said I...

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