“But This Is Who I Am!”
VIDEO #2 in our new playlist, Marriage Situations, is up! It's called, "But This Is Who I Am!" Really? Is it? Larry finally seeks therapy because his business will fail if he doesn't change how he talks to his employees and colleagues. He doesn't believe it will work...
No More Temper: Is That Possible? Case Study
“Is that possible? I mean really, DrDeb, is it possible for someone to go from scaring the rest of us and making us miserable to not having a temper?” Not only is it possible but it happens every day. In my office. Actually, in their homes. On our Live Thursday Dec 7,...
How She Went From People Pleaser To Empowered Person (Situation #1)
Yaay! My YouTube channel has started a new Playlist called "Marriage Situations." For the next number of weeks, we will be covering topics such as being a people pleaser, having a temper, being depressed, lacking a voice, being scared, being co-depndent - and so many...
Do You Know Why You Do What You Do?
Most people don’t, actually. I mean, they say they do. But when you ask them, their answers sound like they’re looping around in circles. For example, ask Tom why he got mad at his wife, Andrea. He’ll say something like, “DrDeb, I get along with everybody. At work,...
What A Healed Marriage Looks Like
In our 1 PM Eastern Time Live on Thursday, I’m going to let you in on a little secret: It’s not the lack of disagreement in healed and healthy marriages that makes the difference… …because it is normal for people to disagree. It would be really boring if everyone...
8 Signs You Have A Big Heart (ep 11)
This is the last video in our playlist, We Have The Secret To Healing Cr#### Marriages and it sums up some of the top characteristics of your Empowerment. It turns out that everything that makes you look vulnerable makes you look - and feel and be - strong. And the...
“But This Is Who I Am!”
“Can’t you be nicer?” Maddy asked, one eyebrow furrowed and one raised as if she really were asking a question. Steve knew she was not really asking a question at all. He knew that she was passing judgment on him – as usual. There was this familiar hollow pit in the...
The Keys To Being A Giver Are Not What You Think (ep 10)
Episode 10 of our playlist is up! Not only do you need to be a giver if you want the Personal Power of your Self Energy handling things in your marriage - but so does your partner. Learn exactly what that is, and isn't. Watch the entire playlist, We Have The Secret To...
Can We Heal Our Marriage Without Going Into The Past?
A very young couple reached out to me about 10 years ago. They had a therapist who referred them to me because she didn’t do couples work. At that time, I didn’t know IFS (Internal Family Systems) and we Marriage & Family Therapists were trained not to have to...
You DO Have Wisdom and Intuition (ep 9)
Stop putting yourself down. You DO have wisdom. You DO have intuition. And in this video, I will show you how to discover yours. It's not even hidden so deeply. The problem is the strenght of all your internal nay-sayers. Those need convincing and you will see how....