A very young couple reached out to me about 10 years ago. They had a therapist who referred them to me because she didn’t do couples work.

At that time, I didn’t know IFS (Internal Family Systems) and we Marriage & Family Therapists were trained not to have to delve into the pasts of the couple.

See, it’s the relationship that’s your client, so the theory goes. The relationship is all about current behavior and attitudes and it doesn’t matter where those attitudes come from because we just have to change the way the people relate to each other.

We, the young couple and I, stumbled around in a long, complicated therapy process, and I want to share with you

*what worked
*what didn’t work and why
*how we got changes to happen when the husband was 100% against touching on his past – and why.
*and to answer a great question in the Facebook group, why do people feel like that husband anyway?

Join me THURSDAY November 16, 2023 at 1 PM Eastern Time on YouTube – and participate!

If you can’t make it and you STILL want to participate, then PLEASE comment later on when you see it. In fact, look at all the videos I’ve already got up on my channel, not just the lives.


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