What You Didn’t Know About Addictions & Escape
Here are 4 categories of people running away from themselves: People addicted to one thing or another - alcohol, drugs, gambling, porn, shopping, working exceptionally long hours, explosive anger/rages, cutting, purging, lying, or cheating. Schizophrenics,...
This is for you. Yes, for you if you think that you’re fine.
This is for you. Yes, for you if you think that you're fine and the only person that needs help from me with the marriage is your spouse. It's true, your spouse has lied/cheated/neglected/been addicted/been mean.... So you're HALF right. Yes, your spouse could...
The Hidden Reason For Cheating and What To Do About It
"I'm so scared. I feel like I just got thrown off a cliff. I'm in free-fall and I do not know if I will land at all or be crushed to death when I do. This is crazy. Topsy-turvy. OMG." Okay. I get it. Your world has turned upside down. Breathe. Can you listen to me for...
Controlling Your Temper Is The Worst Thing You Can Do
I always have this mental picture when I hear that someone went to "anger management" - a picture of someone gritting their teeth, panting, and trying their hardest to "control" themselves from bursting out in a fit of rage. Fingernails clawing the ledge of a rock...
The Key To A Fantastic Sex Life
Sex is the Gold Standard of a well-oiled, functioning, happy, content marriage. Or it should be. And so, for that reason, everyone wants it. It feels wonderful when it feels wonderful. But when it doesn't..... It's two strangers trying to connect and not making it....
How You Can Turn Loneliness In Your Marriage Around
You feel isolated, misunderstood. You're afraid to say something and afraid not to say something. You wonder why you're married if you have to sit all alone in your empty house. You feel so much worse being married and alone than people who are alone. Being with...
Do You Have The Courage To Be Happy Again After Being Cheated On?
When your spouse finally learns that you've caught him or her cheating - in one way or another - what's the usual reaction? They get defensive. They cover it up. They minimize it. And they're not the ones reading this post. You are. The one that got cheated on. And...
Do You Love Yourself Enough To Stop Taking Revenge?
Finally, your spouse got it. He or she realized it was mean to be mean. And they apologized. From the heart. But something strange has happened. You're doing the same thing back. Saying nasty things. Hitting below the belt. And they're suffering. Now they're even mad...
I was reading Steven Stosny the other day and he said something profound. He has been working for decades on helping people who've been not merely angry, but sometimes enraged, to feel compassion. This is no easy matter because highly angry people often don't feel...
The Nasty Reason You Won’t Change Until You Get Threatened With Divorce
Mary screamed. She did not like herself screaming. She hated it. But she couldn't help it. She screamed at Tim. It was nasty. Tim retreated to his phone. In fact, he walked out the door and retreated to his phone. But the reality is that Tim did not fix any of the...