Only My Spouse Triggers Me!
Boy, have I heard this one a LOT. It’s a hidden blame-thing. You’re saying that there is nothing wrong with YOU but your spouse just provokes you. They’re the ones to blame because of their awful behavior. Well, you’re half right. There is nothing wrong with you. But...
5 Reasons Why Your Marriage Needs IFS Therapy
Oh no! They’re at it again! Another finger pointing, knock down, drag out fight. What’s wrong with this picture? – UH-OH, it’s taking place IN the therapist’s office, the one place they came so they could get their feelings out and they are not safe. This is baaaad....
How To Make Your Marriage Better Without Talking About It
You have resentments. Of course you do. Who wouldn’t with the negligence, the dismissiveness, the insensitivity, the walking-out-of-the-room stuff you’ve put up with? And now you’ve read some article online that tells you to be nice? Are you kidding me? I get it. That...
5 Reasons People Cheat
Betrayal of love has to be one of the most painful forms of abuse anyone can inflict on another. Yet, people who cheat barely give a thought to the person they’re cheating on. Why is that? What is their motive? Well, it’s more complex than you would have thought – and...
What Are IFS and IFIO? – 6 Reasons For Their Profound Healing Potential
Has your marriage had – Addictions? Cheating? Tempers? Invalidation? Ignorning, coldness? Feeling like strangers? Lost your “voice”? Maybe you’d better attend the Live in just an hour+, at 9 PM Eastern time and find out the reason why IFS is the way to approach fixing...
You’re A Person, Not A Patient! (NEW LINK!)
Regarding any client I’ve ever had, I can say with assurance that no matter how “bad” someone told me they were - they weren’t. Not only that I didn’t find them “bad,” somehow, the person who told me they were bad “miraculously” had a positive new feeling about them...
How Good Marriage Counseling Heals Bad Marriages (Situation #18)
Finally, I've got Marriage Situation #18 up! It's a JOINT Therapy Session that you can peek into! ...What does a good therapist do when a client calls himself an idiot? This is a conjoint session with Larry & Cheryl. Find out how to turn something bad like that...
3 Things To Do To Save My Marriage When It Seems Impossible
You are more powerful than you realize. You feel defeated because you’ve been tryin so very long. And nothing has worked. But that’s exactly why what I’m going to teach you in tonight’s live WILL work. If you add up everything you’ve tried, you’ll realize that there...
What’s Covert Abuse: 16 Examples
That weird feeling you get – maybe it’s in the pit of your stomach, or maybe it’s like a choking in your throat, or a suffocating feeling like you can’t breathe – but it’s a feeling that something just went wrong. Really wrong. Yet, you can’t pinpoint it. You try....
What To Do About The Small Slights That Hurt So Much (Situation #17)
With all the therapy that Cheryl has already had, you would think that the rejection of her pot luck offers would be no big deal, but that was not the case. Why? Why is it that small things turn into big things? And most important, how do we stop doing that to...