💧 Here’s my question back: How do you feel?
And an even better question: Why do you feel as you do?
💧 See, the worst feeling a person can have when a marriage ends is like you’re a failure. That’s an awful thing to carry around for the rest of your life.
So, if you’re staying so as not to feel like a failure, I have depressing news for you: You’re more of a failure if you’re miserable.
💧 But let’s take that to the next level: Are you miserable because you’re being mistreated?
Or are you miserable because this person just doesn’t “connect” with you anymore?
Or are you miserable because you – you – are afraid of intimacy and keep pushing this partner away?
💧 But maybe you’re not at all miserable. Maybe you thought the marriage was good and your partner surprised you one day and told you that they didn’t feel that way; they wanted a change.
In you.
Or maybe it’s none of the above.
💧 Maybe you just can’t let go because you’ve been together so long and besides that you’ve got children. Okay, grown, but still.
Or maybe you’re afraid of being alone once the dust settles.
Then there is a second set of questions: What have you tried to do to fix things?
If you tell me you’ve tried 6 therapists and the Gottman weekend and a Church weekend and nothing worked, I would believe you.
💧 But it’s good that you tried because you might have hit on a good therapist. They are there to be found.
Rare. But possible.
💧 And the reality is that most therapists are poorly trained, especially in doing couples work. Since the root of couple problems is early childhood wounding (trauma, if you ask me), then the work to solve it must be separate trauma work for each person first, before the couple counseling.
If you didn’t try anything because one of you would not cooperate, then what did the other person do?
So, with all these questions swimming around, I have one answer: A deep look inside.
💧 Here’s what you will find: Stuff – feelings, opinions, ideas – you did not know was there.
We all carry around the answers.
But they’re hidden.
💧 For a good reason – the voices in our head of worry, anxiety, depression, anger, and escape serve to distract us from terrible pain.
They have a purpose.
💧 Or I should say they used to have a purpose once upon a time. They had a purpose when we were little and we needed them. They all came into our hearts and souls for a reason.
After all, kids think like kids.
💧 Kids will worry because if they do the worrying, they hope they’ll come up with solutions before they get scolded from mom or dad.
That is just plain normal.
But those worries and other coping mechanisms no longer serve us.
So if we go ahead and do some quiet reflection and make pauses for answers to bubble up from inside, it will be amazing what we find there.
💧 This, in fact, is the essence of therapy. It digs deep inside of us. Some of us can do this without outside help and others need more.
💧Here’s what I’d like you to do: Put down your answers in the comments to all those questions if you’re wondering whether to stay or go and I’ll help you figure out the roadmap.
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