Do you want to see my answer for “we don’t communicate” and “when we try to communicate, we have very different styles and it just doesn’t work”?

Because tonight at 9PM Eastern time I’m going to show you exactly why the idea of “teaching communication skills” never works.

And why it’s a waste of time and energy.

Sure we need to communicate in a way that gets our message listened to and responded to. We really need that badly! We need to feel heard, validated, and “part of.” We’re sick and tired of feeling like we’re not on the same team.

But teaching communication skills – as so many weekends do – will never work. Oh, it can stick for a couple of weeks, but generally speaking that’s about it.

Discover why not tonight, what the fundamental obstacle is that MUST be addressed in order for communication to work.

Discover how, exactly, I do that and what the outcome is so that the changes are real – and permanent.

Bring a pen and paper to the Livestream – you’ll be sure to see the world differently when it’s done.

If this sounds exciting to learn then type “excited” in the chat because I need that energy from you to know you want this!

And if you can’t make it, just write “replay” below so I’m sure to give you the link afterwards.

Right here in this group, refresh your page at 9 PM. 

If you are NOT a member of the group, then join it! I’d love to have you. Just click the link and answer the 3 questions and – you’re in.

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