Scenario #1:

“Are you kidding?” Margie said to the marriage counselor. “You want me to tell Carl how I feel? Do you realize that if I share with him how hurt I am, that will come back to bite me in the rear?”

So what’s normal? Is it normal for spouses to share everything?

Scenario #2:

“So I punched the wall,” Roger admitted. “Growing up, that’s what we did. We expressed our emotions physcially. How’d I know my wife would leave me over that?”

So are people supposed to hold back their frustration? Won’t that make them sick?

Scenario #3:

“I called her a commie,” Mack said, laughing. “Just a little joke.”

Scenario #4:

“I told my daughter that as her mother I have the right to say anything I want. It doesn’t matter how old she is. I know she’s past 40.”

Just exactly how polite do parents have to be to their own children?

Scenario #5:

“My dad left us when I wasn only three. I have no idea what he would have been like so of course I don’t miss him.”

Scenario #6:

“We kids get along. We were a tight family. True, we grew up knowing my parents didn’t sleep in the same room, but so what?”

Scenario #7:

“Oh, DrDeb, I get it: The more ‘sick’ you make everyone feel, the more money you’ll make! In the old days, they didn’t worry about every little thing someone said or did.”


But what is the result of all this on people?

Thursday night at 9 PM Eastern, I will be covering all this and more so that you can recognize – and hopefully stop – trauma you are experiencing. Or heal from old trauma as well. Your self care is all about living your LIFE.

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