by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Sep 9, 2021 | Marriage and Relationships
Do you want to see my answer for “we don’t communicate” and “when we try to communicate, we have very different styles and it just doesn’t work”? Because tonight at 9PM Eastern time I’m going to show you exactly why the idea...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Sep 2, 2021 | Marriage and Relationships
Well, let’s ask another question. Why did this group need to be named “Love Yourself” before the “Love Your Marriage?” If you think, well, that’s kind of a nice thing, you’re way off base. It’s a necessity, not a...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Aug 31, 2021 | Marriage and Relationships
When you go to counseling, there’s no endpoint. There’s a general, vague sense of “Am I getting better?” “or happier?” Or “Are we now getting along?” But unlike, say, taking a course to become something like a lawyer or...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Aug 17, 2021 | Marriage and Relationships
It is a 13-week intensive hybrid of group and personal coaching and 1:1 therapy combined with a skills-training component that is central to your creating the marriage you want. Here is what you’ll walk out with: *Taming Your Triggers: You will know yourself...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Aug 5, 2021 | Marriage and Relationships
There are lots of good reasons to not like the idea of therapy. I’m a therapist, but I’m with you, there. *Generally, therapy doesn’t work for marriages *Generally, it becomes a he said/she said blame fest that goes no-where *Generally, frustrated...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Jul 29, 2021 | Marriage and Relationships
Just because it’s been a way of life doesn’t mean you have to live with it. Okay, not living with it will mean getting out of your comfort zone. After all if that’s all you know then, yeah, it will not be comfortable. But wait! What will peace be...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Jul 22, 2021 | Marriage and Relationships
Couples therapists never learned to separate a couple in order to help them be together. In fact, where I was trained, that was a no-no. “What’s the point of calling it “couples” therapy, if the couple is going to be separated?” –...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Jul 15, 2021 | Marriage and Relationships
There you are – stuck. You care about this person you’ve been married to for 10, 20, 30, 40 years. You also have kids together. Maybe grandkids. You’ve spent a whole LIFE, it seems, together. How do you throw that away? But you’re...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Jul 8, 2021 | Marriage and Relationships
Spouses will shut down and it can drive you crazy? Why do they do that? You can think up all kinds of reasons: *They hate me *They have nothing to say *They’re trying to torture me None of those are correct. There are some definite reasons why they shut down . ....