by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Mar 3, 2016 | Marriage and Relationships
I was shocked. This guy was giving me the missing key, the key to why some people’s marriages get better and some people’s don’t. Why hadn’t I thought of this? One simple, not so easy, but simple, nevertheless, solution. I was telling him, “Think about it. Think...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Dec 28, 2015 | Marriage and Relationships
You and I both know that when someone is yelling at, criticizing, belittling, or ignoring a spouse, sex gets lost in the shuffle. No matter how much Person 1 apologizes, Person 2 is still hurt. After all, a smack is a smack, whether it’s physical or verbal: You...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Jan 9, 2012 | Marriage and Relationships
True intimacy doesn’t cut off who you are or who your partner is. True intimacy includes your mind, heart, and intellect as well as your body. Sex becomes so much more enjoyable that...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Jan 19, 2007 | Marriage and Relationships
REPRINTED WITH PERMISSION OF the Florida Jewish News You check off the mental list: You’ve never been abusive. You remember anniversaries, birthdays. True, you never seem to get the right gift, but you’re head and shoulders above the poor sucker who forgot all...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Mar 3, 2006 | Marriage and Relationships
REPRINTED WITH PERMISSION from the Florida Jewish News, pp. 12, 20 One of my pet peeves is using the word “adult,” as in “adult movie” because, in fact, the nature of relationships in the so-called “adult” scene are so juvenile. Who watches such things? People with...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Jan 20, 2006 | Marriage and Relationships
REPRINTED WITH PERMISSION from the Florida Jewish News, p. 16. “Can’t I express myself?” the man asked me with annoyance. “I think I should be able to be honest with my own wife!” another one haruumphed at me. “Why should I always watch out for his feelings?” a woman...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Dec 9, 2003 | Marriage and Relationships
What do porn and substance abuse have in common?: They are both mind-numbing escapes from emotional pain. They both do that very well, engaging the attention of the victims caught in their grip so completely that they can actually fool themselves into believing they...