The Love Every Part of You Coaching program is positive and powerful. It’s both a video course and live coaching with me to help you heal the past.
It is based on a way of working on the marriage which is radically different than any counseling or weekend programs you’ve ever experienced.
You will go on an inner journey in the privacy of your own home, watching and absorbing videos that give you the precise tools for loving yourself in spite of behaviors that you may not always like in yourself. At the same time, twice a week, you will be meeting with me and other individuals and couples for an in-depth look at yourselves in the Bounce Forward Coaching calls.
By working on your triggers, reactions, hurts, and history you will start to uncover your true Self that may have been hidden behind defenses and coping mechanisms for a long time.
Although the first goal is to recognize your triggers and where they came from, the next goal is to get back into the past and heal what caused them. The group calls are the place to check if you’re doing it correctly. For those who prefer to keep a lower profile, you’ll get a lot out of the questions that others in the group may ask. They will help you dig a little deeper inside.
Between starting the process individually and doing the mental healing exercises, this approach is 180 degrees different from all the others. When people ‘s triggers are no longer taking over them, individuals can face those that have been difficult to talk to and be vulnerable – yet powerful – with each other because they’ve healed.
What Are The Healing Tools?
The most powerful one is the discovery that you have a wise, compassionate, intuitive Self that – with guidance – can learn to lead the parts of you that have been on automatic for many years. (You can think of those parts as “habits” or defenses.) We don’t need to “break” habits, either; you learn to appreciate how they’ve helped get you through the challenges of your life. At the same time, they require leadership of your Self so that your actions and feelings are aligned with who you really are rather than being reactive.
The second, most powerful tool is the ability of the imagination to move traumatic history memories into areas of the brain that are simply “history” without the traumatic emotions.
Many other tools are present in the program as well, beginning with tracking triggers, breathing that regulates the mind, affirmations that start to develop a healthy relationship with yourself, “rules” for keeping conversations Self-led rather than defensive, and understanding what, exactly abuse is.
How It Works
The Coaching + Course Program gives you 3 months of contact with me as you work your way through the Love Every Part Of You Course. The cost is $2400 which is $800/month for 3 months.
By The End Of The Program:
*You will know and love who you are.
*You will no longer be burdened with negative self-thoughts.
*You will accept your less strong points with inner peace.
*You will accentuate your strong points and use them to your advantage with compassion for those around you.
*You will feel connected to yourself and to the others in your life that are important to you.
*You will be a wiser person, able to protect yourself appropriately.
*You will embrace life with joy, compassion, connection, creativity, intuition, and perspective.
To GET STARTED, please fill in the form below. After that, you will receive an email with the days and times of your Coaching calls and the link to the Course. (FYI that link is
For ANY QUESTIONS, don’t hesitate to reach out to me by email,