There’s that awful feeling of not loving yourself….

…being out of sorts…

…disconnected from your inner core….

It’s not the state humans were meant to be in. It’s a state of warning – fix this! Just like touching a hot stove compells us to jerk our fingers back.

We were meant to enjoy this life and make the best of it in a positive way, starting with our Selves!

Yet we don’t. Thank you for this excellent topic for our Live today!

Find out at 1 PM Eastern time today

* exactly why we even can get wounded – what does it mean to be vulnerable and how can that be a good thing anyway if it can hurt?

* how do we LET ourselves get wounded, anyway? Why can’t we protect ourselves?

Find out how we do protect ourselves and why that doesn’t work.

* the amazing power of Self to heal and exactly what steps to take to do that

* how to reconnect to our inner wisdom and joy, to ourselves!

TODAY 1 pm Eastern time on YouTube –

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