The Real Reason People Cheat

I’m so scared. I feel like I just got thrown off a cliff. I’m in free-fall and I do not know if I will land at all or be crushed to death when I do. This is crazy. Topsy-turvy. OMG. Okay. I get it. Your world has turned upside down. Breathe. Can you listen...

I Look Abusers In The Eye

I Look Abusers In The Eye I tell them what’s what. With love. Because they’re not inherently evil. We’re going to take a peek into little Randy’s house. Randy is four years old. His three-year-old sister just got a gift from a doting aunt. It...

Why Is Our Sex So Baaaad?

Sex is the Gold Standard of a well-oiled, functioning, happy, content marriage. Or it should be. And so, for that reason, everyone wants it. Of course. It feels wonderful when it feels wonderful. But when it doesn’t….. It’s two strangers trying to...
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