Sam and Sharon spent $755 for a marriage weekend run by a private and well-respected organization. They were nervous but pledged to themselves to be open and honest with each other. The weekend had some tears, some truths, and much emotion.
They left with a set of communication skills to learn and sheets of paper to refer to.
The glow lasted a good two weeks.
Then one of them was triggered. It doesn’t matter who. And that automatically swept the other one up in the heat of the moment; they got triggered from feeling the brunt of their partner’s emotions.
And all the tools went out the window.
Find out WHY those wonderful tools don’t last.
Find out WHY any learning you do in weekly counseling doesn’t last.
Also find out why the cost is ten TIMES cheaper than a divorce.
Be here in this group tonight at 9 PM Eastern time. Refresh the page if you don’t see me talking to you.
And if you can’t make it, that’s okay. Just type “replay” in the comments ON THE GROUP PAGE.
If you’re not in the group, then JOIN THE GROUP for Heaven’s sake!
To get in the group, be SURE to answer the application questions so I can email you MORE information on this topic.