Can I Ever Get Past Shame?

Jackie was silent for some time. The therapist had been gently looking to find out how she felt about herself. But the words choked in the back of Jackie’s throat. All she felt was hot, burning shame. Would she ever feel human again? The short answer is “Yes.” Find...

2 Ways You Can Find Your Voice

“Well, what do you want, Monica?” the therapist patiently asked his new client. Monica was baffled. She didn’t even know. Years of being beaten down, first by a parent who always knew better than anybody else, and then by a husband who shared some of those...

“I’m Fine; You Need Therapy!”

Grrr. Oh, that is so annoying. They say they’re fine when they’re clearly not. They need the therapy: They don’t get my feelings. They don’t get anyone’s feelings. They trample feelings! And they say they’re fine? Oh, actually, they do have feelings – for themselves....

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