What’s Love?

How is it possible to love someone you never met, never saw, and know nothing about? It happens every day to hundreds of thousands of people. Just ask a pregnant woman how she feels about her unborn baby. Even more strange is how is it possible for a couple who is...

Overcoming “Mental Illness”

Overcoming mental illness may be started best by no longer thinking of it as "mental illness." Or "disease," or a "sickness." In the world of marriage and parenting, it's important to think how you will deal with certain problems. If your spouse or child seems to...

How Anxiety Affects Marriage

Do you think anxiety gets in your way? Research finds that you are right. Anxiety -- paradoxically -- leads people to marry more readily than those without it, and (unfortunately) to divorce more readily, too, because of greater marital dissatisfaction. What's more,...

What To Do With Your Child’s Anger

I was rereading a therapy magazine from 1999 -- so the problems were full-blown even back then-- and it related the following: In a difference of opinion between a child and her mother who wanted the TV shut off, as the mother's demand became stronger, the child...

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