I’m scared to try couples therapy again. …
Q I'm scared to try couples therapy again. My husband and I have been to couples therapy with 3 different therapists and it never worked out well. In one case, I did not feel heard; with another one, the therapist told me to just get a divorce; and in the third, the...
Who Is The Real You?
Brian: You know, Sophie, you’ve just got to stop running your mouth off. I am TIRED of it. Sophie: And I’m tired of you telling me what to do all the time! I’m a person! I have thoughts in my head, just like you do. Why are my thoughts not good enough? Brian: Because...
5 Reasons Why Victims Become Perpetrators
Not only that, some witnesses (kids) become victims or perpetrators, too. Why? What’s driving the motive to do the very thing that hurt you in the first place? And what is to be done about it? (Spoiler Alert: There’s VERY good news at the end.) Thursday, Sept 19, 2024...
I Feel Disconnected From My Spouse
It's truly one of the most painful experiences in marriage: You're supposed to be best friends, the closest of everyone you know. And instead, you're disconnected. They say go on date night. Have sex. Talk about it. I say these are all bad suggestions – and I’ll tell...
Make Your Dream Of Intimacy A Reality
“Ooooh, DrDeb, you are the one that’s dreaming! We are sooooo far from intimate, it’s crazy. We can’t carry on a conversation about what’s for dinner, let alone intimate topics.” I hear you. Loud and clear. But I didn’t just start doing this yesterday. Ahem! I’ve met...
How To Deal With Toxic In-Laws
They meddle. They accuse. They gang up on you. They try to break up your marriage. They make everyone miserable. And their child – your partner in life – doesn’t see it. This is SOOO frustrating. In fact, he or she takes their side. How is this possible? How can your...
When Everything You Bring Up Triggers Your Spouse
“Listen, I just want to know how you FEEL.” “Are you trying to trap me into telling you something that you’ll use against me?’ “Uh, no. I really wanted to know how you feel.” ----- “You know, I don’t like when you raise your voice at the kids. My mother always did...
How To Win Your Partner’s Affection
“I’m so scared of losing my marriage” she said. “He actually mentioned the D word.’ Then she started to cry. This happens every day in homes where someone feels out of control and makes terrible threats to get it back. What’s the best option on the receiving end? Do...
What You Didn’t Realize About Secrets In Your Marriage
Sounds good, right? – Keep your own counsel, be independent. Uh-uh. Find out tonight at 9 PM Eastern time the 6 reasons people will keep secrets and the 4 horrific results this has on the family and especially the children. Learn the steps you must take to create a...
5 Reasons Why Your Marriage Needs IFS
[THIS IS A REPEAT BECAUSE THE FIRST TIME THERE WAS NO SOUND!!] Oh no! They’re at it again! Another finger pointing, knock down, drag out fight. What’s wrong with this picture? – UH-OH, it’s taking place IN the therapist’s office, the one place they came so they could...