by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Oct 10, 2023 | Marriage and Relationships
It’s hard to stand up to a bully. It takes courage. Courage to face yourself first! Then compassion for YOU! Tap into your inner resources that have long been neglected and you will take care of that bully easily. ...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Oct 9, 2023 | Marriage and Relationships
One person is an alcoholic. Another is a gambler. Another is abusive. Or, it could be as simple as someone raising their kids in a way you completely disagree with. Whatever it is, you hate it. You hate to see it. You hate to be exposed to it. And so you’ve told...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Oct 5, 2023 | Marriage and Relationships
There’s that awful feeling of not loving yourself…. …being out of sorts… …disconnected from your inner core…. It’s not the state humans were meant to be in. It’s a state of warning – fix this! Just like touching a hot...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Oct 2, 2023 | Marriage and Relationships
I have a question: Why does this spouse want to gain control? Actually, that’s not my only question. Here’s another one: Why can’t he/she gain control the usual way, like by being nice? Sweet-talking? See, the whole thing with control is that...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Sep 12, 2023 | Marriage and Relationships
Therapy actually can be short. Here’s the combo you need: *an excellent therapist (do a search in the group or on my blog of “what makes a good therapist” and you’ll see a bunch of articles.) *a client who had a lot of emotional support growing...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Aug 7, 2023 | Marriage and Relationships
Men and women are equal opportunity abusers. And none of them have the right to abuse others. But . . . There’s something you should know that makes it not quite as easy as all that. See, anybody who is self-aware, connected, clear-headed, calm, compassionate,...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Aug 2, 2023 | Marriage and Relationships
“I’m calm!” Susan said, her nose just a bit in the air. “I’m not upset at all. I’m just telling you that my husband is a mean, rotten person. He is not nice at all. I just want you to know.” Is Susan in Self Energy as she...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Jul 26, 2023 | Marriage and Relationships
Do you mean the word, “anything”? Really? Because I would bet that you both agree that you wouldn’t want to make a few extra dollars by scamming little old men and ladies out of their life savings. Right? See, the real thing is not that you don’t agree on “anything.”...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Jul 20, 2023 | Marriage and Relationships
After years of exhausting “discussions” that went nowhere, Sheila had lost all belief in herself. Not only that, she didn’t even know what she believed. And the question is: Where is that belief supposed to come from now? Should she get divorced and find someone who...