ADD? You Must Consider These 6 Things

ADD is a difference in “wiring” of the brain from those of non-ADD people which is frequently distinguished by lack of ability to set a pattern which can be followed in the future (such as deciding where to always place keys so you don’t lose them...

12 Steps: Step 3 – Choices

Step 3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him. If you thought this one would be simple and obvious, you have another guess coming. This step is about nothing less than the meaning of life: Why are we here? What is...

12 Steps: Step 5 – Connecting

Step 5 – Admitted to God, to ourselves and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs How many times have you heard some certain 7-year old say, “sorry” like this: “Sorrrrreeee.” He’s kind of fed up with saying it. But...

Hypnosis for Abuse Recovery

I use hypnosis daily in helping people heal from past pain. Here are the three components and why they each work: Relaxation The biggest selling prescription drug for the last few years has been Prilosec, created to relieve stomach distress. Why would that be the...
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