by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Jan 5, 2004 | Parenting
Your child is not, technically, a child any more; he or she is 20, over age in a couple of states; past the age of consent in others. But he needs discipline; boy, does he. What do you do? There are two answers to this. One is: You better do it; it’s never too...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Jan 5, 2004 | Marriage and Relationships
We have an expression in the Jewish tradition which goes, “Also this is for [the] Good!” It is said with a smile and written with an exclamation point. In the case of divorce, it is a very hard expression about which to be sincere. One wonders how in the...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Dec 15, 2003 | Verbal and Emotional Abuse
REPRINTED BY PERMISSION from The Annals of The American Psychotherapy Association, 2001, vol. 4, No. 5, pp.15-17. Do not be fooled into thinking the percent of battering victims (about 16%) in this country is small. Stripped of the obfuscation of statistics, that...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Dec 9, 2003 | Neuroscience
Hypnosis is a naturally occurring state. Many people believe they can’t “get” hypnotized when, actually, they fall into trance all the time. For example, in boring classes or lectures, you may notice your mind “wandering.” Where does it...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Dec 9, 2003 | Mental Health
Step 6. Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character. Well, I’m going to be iconoclastic. I don’t think that the things we do that hurt others are necessarily defects of character. So, I might be parting ways with the terminology...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Dec 9, 2003 | Marriage and Relationships
What do porn and substance abuse have in common?: They are both mind-numbing escapes from emotional pain. They both do that very well, engaging the attention of the victims caught in their grip so completely that they can actually fool themselves into believing they...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Dec 9, 2003 | Verbal and Emotional Abuse
Many people don’t even realize that they were (or are being) abused. But the assumption that the pain will go away is not correct. What is needed is to take active steps towards recovery. This includes a bunch of wonderful tools. 1. The First Tool Is To Discover...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Dec 9, 2003 | Verbal and Emotional Abuse
Consider these important elements in working out your relationship problems: 1. Every abuser has been a victim Research proves again and again that people who were victimized as children are likely to grow up to be either abusers or drawn towards abusive relationships...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Dec 4, 2003 | Mental Health
Substance abuse and addictions do not occur in a vacuum. It is not merely the result of vulnerable kids becoming involved with the wrong crowd. If only it were that simple. In fact, substance abuse is more a symptom of the real problem than “the” problem....