by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Dec 26, 2023 | Marriage and Relationships
The 4th “situation” of the playlist “Marriage Situations” was just put up. In it, Larry has ruined an important business relationship. When he’s calm, he can see what went wrong. But why didn’t he see it at the time? Why did he have to explode?...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Dec 21, 2023 | Marriage and Relationships
Can You Fix Your Marriage Without Counseling? Why is it some people benefit from books and videos – like this one – and make amazing changes? And others don’t? The ones who don’t still do listen, like, and want very badly to learn and change. But something stops them....
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Dec 19, 2023 | Marriage and Relationships
Cheryl is Larry’s wife. She’s been asking him to go to therapy but he has ignored her. She enters therapy herself to find out why she tolerates so much pain. She discovers she’s afraid of abandonment. What is she supposed to do now? She can’t...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Dec 18, 2023 | Marriage and Relationships
In the last years that my husband was alive, he’d gotten paranoid. (Later, I put the pieces together and realized that he’d had Frontal-Temporal dementia.) We would have long talks about this family member he was angry at and I was sooooo frustrated that he did not...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Dec 14, 2023 | Marriage and Relationships
Grrr. Oh, that is so annoying. They say they’re fine when they’re clearly not. They need the therapy: They don’t get my feelings. They don’t get anyone’s feelings. They trample feelings! And they say they’re fine? Oh, actually, they do have feelings – for themselves....
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Dec 12, 2023 | Marriage and Relationships
VIDEO #2 in our new playlist, Marriage Situations, is up! It’s called, “But This Is Who I Am!” Really? Is it? Larry finally seeks therapy because his business will fail if he doesn’t change how he talks to his employees and colleagues. He...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Dec 6, 2023 | Marriage and Relationships
“Is that possible? I mean really, DrDeb, is it possible for someone to go from scaring the rest of us and making us miserable to not having a temper?” Not only is it possible but it happens every day. In my office. Actually, in their homes. On our Live Thursday Dec 7,...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Dec 5, 2023 | Marriage and Relationships
Yaay! My YouTube channel has started a new Playlist called “Marriage Situations.” For the next number of weeks, we will be covering topics such as being a people pleaser, having a temper, being depressed, lacking a voice, being scared, being co-depndent...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Dec 4, 2023 | Marriage and Relationships
Most people don’t, actually. I mean, they say they do. But when you ask them, their answers sound like they’re looping around in circles. For example, ask Tom why he got mad at his wife, Andrea. He’ll say something like, “DrDeb, I get along with everybody. At work,...