by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Aug 15, 2011 | Neuroscience
When the pharmaceutical industry finally implodes, it will not be from the many unlawful death lawsuits against them (although there are many), and it will not be from the increasing disclosure by doctors of payments they received from them for doing presumably...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | May 14, 2008 | Marriage and Relationships
The kindergarten class was just simmering down after recess. Several little boys were hysterically giggling in a corner while the teacher attempted to get the class back to their seats. As she approached the gaggle of rowdies, she overheard snippets of conversation. A...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | May 14, 2008 | Parenting
I had a whiny little girl in my office the other day. It was clear to me the mother had gotten used to all that irritating behavior. Not that she liked it. Just put up with it. You could see she was unhappy and stressed. I stopped my conversation with her and turned...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | May 9, 2008 | Parenting
Here’s an excerpt from a textbook. It’s about a parent who is not in synch with his or her child: “Such a parent would have moments of intrusiveness that appeared to be emotional invasions into the infant’s state of mind. These were generally...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | May 9, 2008 | Neuroscience
I sat there watching the IV go into my arm. Normally, IVs don’t bother me; I know that taking my blood, or G-d forbid, needing to give me blood, is good for me, but I have this particular squeamishness about having foreign substances put into my body. Heaven only...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Apr 21, 2007 | Parenting
For children to want to listen, they must feel loved. Discipline without love is worthless. For children to grow up to love themselves, they must learn responsibility. Both love and discipline are necessary for healthy, happy children. Rule #1 – See The World...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Jan 26, 2007 | Neuroscience
REPRINTED WITH PERMISSION from The Florida Jewish News If my article, “If Its Not a Chemical Imbalance, What Is It?” threw you into a tailspin, I apologize. I believe the requirement for clarity rests on the writer, not the reader. Let me be very clear:...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Jan 19, 2007 | Marriage and Relationships
REPRINTED WITH PERMISSION OF the Florida Jewish News You check off the mental list: You’ve never been abusive. You remember anniversaries, birthdays. True, you never seem to get the right gift, but you’re head and shoulders above the poor sucker who forgot all...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Jan 12, 2007 | Neuroscience
REPRINTED BY PERMISSION from FLorida Jewish News We take medicine to feel better, right? If we, God forbid, are diabetic and diet can’t get it under control, we can take medicine for it. For a headache, have an acetaminophen. For a tricky ticker, there’s an array of...