5 Tips to Get Kids to Do Homework

Here are my 5 tips for parents to get kids not only to do their homework but get into the homework-doing mood. Tip #1: Homework Should Fit The Goldilocks Principle Goldilocks had it right: whether it’s porridge or homework, the best is the one that is not at...

4 Strategies to Get Kids to Listen

Eli is quite clear that he is a pretty important person. At six and the youngest of four, he’s used to those around him just stopping short of bowing down to him. Answering his every wish goes without saying. When he was two and oh-so-cute, he was irresistible. Now...

Work-Life Balance: Dr Deb Has a New Problem

My youngest son, when he was still living with us, shocked me by saying that there were no family dinners during the week in the years he was growing up. Here I was, the mommy-cook to end all mommy-cooks, the person who would experiment with various recipes multiple...
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