Emotional Abuse Reference List

BOOKS AND ARTICLES ON PHYSICAL, EMOTIONAL, AND VERBAL ABUSE Oldies But Goodies: Dissertation References Abroms, G. (1978). The place of values in psychotherapy. Journal of Marriage and Family Counseling, 4(4), 3-17. Adams, D. (1988). Treatment models of men who...

When Grandparents Interfere With Parenting

Ettie could not believe her eyes or her ears. As she walked into her eight-year old daughter’s room, her mother was telling Beth, her daughter, “You don’t have to listen to mommy; you can stay up because I’m visiting.” Beth was a good...

The Rules Of Privacy In Therapy

We were all seated at large round tables enjoying a celebration of a dear friend’s son. We guests went around the table introducing ourselves. A woman across the table stared at me after she announced her name. “You look familiar she said.” I smiled...

It Might Be Trauma

Lilly was ten. When she was in school, she could dig into her work and her mind could entertain itself with whatever the subjects were; she loved school. It was when she came home that the problems began. Her father had a temper that would erupt easily. Lilly could...
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