by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Sep 1, 2019 | Marriage and Relationships
You know the story of the guy who was abusive, had a temper, was controlling and demanding, got divorced because of all that and managed to keep it together long enough for a new girl to fall in love with him; and of course she never saw a hint of all the rotten...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Aug 28, 2019 | Marriage and Relationships
When you look at yourself and your own behavior, you just can’t understand how you got here. You’re a good person. You have a good heart. You wouldn’t want to hurt anybody. Yet…. You’ve found yourself stooping way lower than you could have...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Aug 25, 2019 | Marriage and Relationships
I was on the phone with a woman who was desperate to fix her marriage and my heart broke for her. But I knew I would not be helping her. She started off telling me the names her husband called her and then I was thinking, “I work with verbal abusers; no...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Aug 21, 2019 | Marriage and Relationships
Polls show that “poor communication” is the key to marriages falling apart. Here are some reasons for poor communication: Victim thinking Victim thinking means that someone is interpreting every communication in which another person expresses a desire for...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Aug 18, 2019 | Marriage and Relationships
Hey Spouse, It hurts for your partner to no longer believe in you. It steals your possibilities away, right? Basically, it says that you are a robot that cannot escape your programming. As if you didn’t have free choice. So why did they convince themselves in...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Aug 14, 2019 | Marriage and Relationships
This guy was pretty unhappy. He said he didn’t want to think about the possibility that his wife would end the marriage. He spoke with great pain about that fight they had in which the horrible “D” word was uttered. As we were going through the call...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Aug 11, 2019 | Marriage and Relationships
When it comes to cars, I don’t care if I’m driving a Lexus, a Honda, or a Farari. I really wouldn’t. Yes, I notice the bumps in the road with the regular, run-of-the-mill car, but only for the first few minutes. Then my mind goes somewhere else and...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Aug 7, 2019 | Marriage and Relationships
Suzie was crying as she related to me all her attempts to convince her therapist that she was not ready for divorce. Lazy therapist: But he is a cheater. How will you ever trust him again? Suzie: I get it. I don’t know. That’s what you’re for. To...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Aug 4, 2019 | Marriage and Relationships
As I look at all the people I’ve worked with over time and the people that I’m currently helping across rocky terrain, one thing becomes clear to me: Our society dismisses emotions. It’s normal to dismiss something you don’t understand. Not too...