by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Aug 25, 2020 | Marriage and Relationships
I was on the phone with a woman who was desperate to fix her marriage and my heart broke for her. But I knew I would not be helping her. She started off telling me the names her husband called her and then I was thinking, “I work with verbal abusers; no...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Aug 21, 2020 | Marriage and Relationships
I was on a zoom call with a couple I’d just met. The wife had spent a year in personal counseling and found it helpful. The husband went briefly to counseling for a crisis with his sister but never mentioned a marriage problem that had come up. What’s...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Aug 18, 2020 | Marriage and Relationships
As I look at all the people I’ve worked with over time and the people that I’m currently helping across rocky terrain, one thing becomes clear to me: Our society dismisses emotions. It’s normal to dismiss something you don’t understand. Not too...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Mar 27, 2020 | Marriage and Relationships
Coaching isn’t about feelings. That’s what I used to think. That is, until I put together my own coaching program. Which clearly focuses on feelings. How could it not? Feelings run the world! Politics is all about feelings. Love and marriage – of...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Mar 22, 2020 | Marriage and Relationships
Peter was miserable and didn’t know why. He decided it was his wife’s, Elizabeth’s, fault. After all, she was his wife; she was supposed to love him, and since he was miserable, she must have let him down in some way. He didn’t know what way,...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Mar 20, 2020 | Marriage and Relationships
I’ve heard the story too many times of people who go to therapy to fix a problem and they walk out with a bigger one. The therapist wants to hear what’s going on so the couple obliges by starting a fight! Right there in front of the therapist. The...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Mar 17, 2020 | Marriage and Relationships
I would like to share with you a compliment I got recently. I never know what people are thinking until you tell me, and I was very touched by this compliment. I asked this individual why they reached out to me and they said something like, “You have a way...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Mar 13, 2020 | Marriage and Relationships
I myself used to subscribe to this myth. After all, I was a marriage counselor. How do you do marriage counseling with only one person?? That was until, we’ll call him Joey, came to see me, insisting that his wife wanted no part of therapy. We worked slowly...
by DrDeb Hirschhorn | Mar 10, 2020 | Marriage and Relationships
Mary screamed. She did not like herself screaming. She hated it. But she couldn’t help it. She screamed at Tim. It was nasty. Tim retreated to his phone. In fact, he walked out the door and retreated to his phone. But the reality is that Tim did not do any of...