In our 1 PM Eastern Time Live on Thursday, I’m going to let you in on a little secret: It’s not the lack of disagreement in healed and healthy marriages that makes the difference…
…because it is normal for people to disagree. It would be really boring if everyone agreed with each other – very unsexy.
No, it’s something else.
And if you’re guessing that healthy people fight “nicely” – meaning in sweet, calm tones – uh-uh. Most people can’t pull that off.
Nor should they.
To be alive is to be passionate. People can’t – and shouldn’t – hide their passions from each other.
In fact, that would be the exact opposite of what a healthy marriage is – which is being real. And still being connected.
So what is it?
What is this “thing” that makes healthy marriages work?
And how do people get there?
Please join me on Thursday – TODAY – at 1 PM Eastern on Youtube.
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