This is for you. Yes, for you if you think that you’re fine and the only person that needs help from me with the marriage is your spouse.
It’s true, your spouse has lied/cheated/neglected/been addicted/been mean….
So you’re HALF right. Yes, your spouse could literally turn around with the kind of help I offer.
You’ve been suffering all this time, haven’t you?
Why has love been so much stronger for you than Self Love?
How long did you plan to put up with this without giving a thought to yourself?
Isn’t it time you got to heal?
Isn’t it time you got to the source of your wounds and cleaned house?
Isn’t it time you got past waiting and waiting and waiting for your partner to finally take care of him/herself – and took care of YOU?
My program will do exactly that. And the great news is that I’ve just changed it to make it better.
So if you’ve been waiting and trying to decide whether to work with me, you did the right thing, LOL! (Although I always give the tweaks and improvements to “old” clients. I’m like that.)
Now, it’s 12 weeks long because in addition to everything you’ve read about what’s in it, I’ve added 3 weeks of intense 1-to-1 Self work with me, personal work twice a week, so you can get to that point of Self Love and total healing from the past in a completely new way. No one is doing it and it is powerful.
Here’s the LoveYourselfLoveYourMarriage program
*Tame Your Triggers – so you’re never REactive again. (Think about that: never reactive again. Wow)
*Self-Validation – like you actually not only know who you are, but like yourself, love yourself, are appreciative that you were born, and are excited, looking forward to what you will do today to make your life meaningful.
*Compassionate Honesty – Now, with this great foundation, you will learn how to FEEL compassion, deep inside, and communicate it with honesty. That’s the start of intimacy.
This course is a hybrid of one-on-one experience with me and learning all the other tools you need to learn from self-directed education via videos, support big time in the form of 24/7 email and text communication with me – YES! you can write me with Q’s 24/7 – and group support.
The group support takes the form of Q & A twice a week by Zoom as well as in our private FB group for clients only.
The cost? Well, it’s a whole lot less than a divorce. Someone who desperately wanted to save her marriage and took the course had a husband who was outraged at the cost of my course. He went on to divorce her spending TEN TIMES the amount I charge.
There was an ego problem here, not a cost problem.
Sometimes people are too SCARED to look inside themselves.
But they shouldn’t be. You know why? – Because EVERY PERSON IS BEAUTIFUL INSIDE.
I firmly believe that. Evil behavior comes from a desperate attempt to NOT look inside. It’s not the real person.
Don’t be afraid!
The real investment with me has just gone UP because of this new addition to the program, BUT the first 20 people are going to get the price slashed to below, well below, what it was before. It is 4 figures; I’m putting it out there. But in terms of saving your Self – and if you both join, saving the marriage, it’s worth many thousands of dollars in saved therapy bills and heartache.
It’s worth many thousands of dollars in therapy for the NEXT generation and the one after that.
How do you even put a price on a meaningful life and a good marriage?
* You are willing to do the work, including all the practice.
* You are willing to stop blaming someone else
* The quality of your life MATTERS to you – you want to wake up in the morning energized and looking forward with pleasure to your day.
To get deeper into this information, please join my private group right here on Facebook and get a free gift;